(To be stamped as an Agreement)
Agreement for Financial Assistance under Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation of the Small Scale Industries(CLCSS)
This Agreement made at
..on this
.day of
in the year Two thousand
.between M/s
a Public/Private Limited Company/Proprietary concern, incorporated under the Companies Act of 1956 and having its Registered Office at
.and being an industrial concern hereinafter called the Beneficiary(which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors and assigns) of the One Part:
- Shri ------- son of --------- age ---------- years residing at -----------------
- Shri ---------son of ----------age----------years residing at -----------------
- Shri ---------son of ----------age----------years residing at-----------------
carrying on business in partnership in the firm name and style of ---------------------- and having their office at -------------- (hereinafter referred to as 'Beneficiary' which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof, include its/his/her/their legal representatives, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns) of the One part.
----------------------------------------------- (hereinafter referred to as the financing institution/bank/which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors and assigns) of the Other part.
- Government of India appointed Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) as Nodal Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Agent) for channelising Credit Linked Capital Subsidy for Technology Upgradation of the Small Scale Industries under Ministry of SSI & ARI, Govt. of India (hereinafter referred to as "the Scheme") and permitting the financial institution / Bank under the Scheme for claiming capital subsidy on the term loan sanctioned and disbursed by the financing institution/bank to the beneficiary.
- The beneficiary has requested the financing institution / Bank for providing assistance under the Scheme to the extent of Rs. ------------(Rupees---------------------------------- only) for setting up a project under small scale industries, which the financing institution / Bank has agreed to lend in proportion to the investment made or to be made in purchase of machineries for technology upgradation programme by the Beneficiary as per terms and conditions provided in the Agreement executed between the financing institution / Bank and the Beneficiary.
- The Agent has agreed to act as nodal agency for Government of India for channelising disbursement of capital subsidy sanctioned to the Beneficiary by the financing institution /bank, and the parties hereto desire to enter into an agreement for the said purpose, being these presents providing for the terms hereinafter appearing.
- The Beneficary, hereby , covenants:
- That the Beneficiary will comply with and faithfully observe all terms and conditions f the said Scheme and also all the subsequent amendments and modifications and additions thereto together with the conditions of the sanction of the said financial assistance.
- That the Beneficiary will allow the officers of the Agent and/or the Government of India or any other person or persons authorized, by the Agent or by Government of India or by the Governing & Technology Approval Board(GTAB) to inspect the work for which the capital subsidy has been granted and also the machines, plant, appliances, tools, equipments, etc. for the procuring of which the subsidy has been granted and will furnish such information concerning the machines, plant implements, etc., for procuring of which the capital subsidy has been granted or concerning the matter connected with the capital subsidy or incidental thereto as the Agent or the GTAB or their nominees may, from time to time require.
- That the Beneficiary will not change the place or location of the industrial unit entirely or partly, nor enter into partnership with any one, or change its constitution by merger, amalgamation or in any manner nor the Beneficiary effect disposal of fixed capital investment without the express prior permission of the Agent in writing.
- It is further hereby agreed and declared by and between the parties hereto, that in any of the following cases namely,
- where the Beneficiary has obtained the capital subsidy by misrepresentation as to an essential fact, or by furnishing of false information; or,
- where the Beneficiary fails to furnish the prescribed statement or information which it is called upon to furnish,
If the Beneficiary commits breach of any one of the covenants herein contained or of the terms and conditions of the Scheme as amended from time to time the Beneficiary shall refund the same forthwith to the financing institution/bank together with interest at the then prevailing prime lending rate of financing institution/bank.
- The interpretation/clarification/decision of agent or GTAB regarding the eligibility, subsidy and any other benefits of an unit/borrower under the Scheme, either before or after release of the loan facility by the financing institution/bank shall be binding on the beneficiary and the beneficiary will not raise any objection either against agent/financing institution/ bank.
- It is hereby further agreed and declared that the stamp duty chargeable on these presents, shall be paid and borne by the Beneficiary and that the Beneficiary will also be liable to bear the expenses, if any, incurred by enforcing the terms and conditions of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Beneficiary has caused its common seal to be affixed hereto and to duplicate hereof on the day, month and year first hereinabove written and the financing institution/bank has caused these presents and the said duplicate to be executed by the hand of Shri
(Name & Designation) of bank, as hereinafter appearing. THE COMMON SEAL OF
LIMITED has pursuant to the Resolution of its Board of Directors passed in that behalf on the
..day of
.hereunto been affixed in the presence of Shri
.and Shri
, Director who have signed these presents in token thereof and Shri
.Secretary*/Authorised* person who has signed/countersigned the same in token thereof.
SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY the within named bank by the hand of Shri
..(Name & Designation), an authorized official of financing institution/bank.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the partners of the Beneficiary have set their respective hand hereto and to a duplicate hereof on the day, month and year first hereinabove written and bank has caused these presents and the said duplicate to be executed by the hand of Shri
..(Name & Designation) of financing institution/Bank as hereinafter appearing.
- *SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY the withinnamed Shri
.Partner of
..the withinnamed Partnership Firm.
- *SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY the withinnamed
By the hand of Shri
.in pursuance to the Board Resolution dated and common seal has been affixed in presence of Shri
..who has signed in token thereof.
SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY the withinnamed FI/NSIC/Bank/SFC8 by the hand of Shri
..authorised official.
(*whichever is applicable).
Note: Relevant Board Resolution authorizing the person(s) to execute the document on behalf of the Beneficiary has to be submitted with the Agreement.
Application form for assistance under Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation of the Small Scale Industries (CLCSS)
(To be submitted in triplicate. Photocopies may be used)
Name of the firm/company
Constitution (Proprietary concern, partnership firm, Pvt. Ltd. Co., Public Ltd. Co., Co-op. Societies)
Name (s) of sole proprietor/partners/directors
Category of borrower (Women entrepreneur, SC/ST, Physically handicapped, Ex-servicemen, etc.)
Registered Office Address
.. Fax
Factory Address .
.. Fax
Location of factory-Backward or Non-backward area
Date of incorporation/commencement of production
Product (s)/Sub-Sector
Installed capacity
Past performance (for last three years on the basis of audited balance sheets - in respect of existing units. In respect of new units projections for next three years may be given).
(a) Financial position (Rs. In lakh)
Financial Year
(Y-1) |
Financial Year
(Y-2) |
Financial Year
(Y-3) |
I Net block |
II Current assets |
III Current liabilities |
IV Term Loan |
V Share Capital |
VI Reserve and surplus (less Accumulated losses) |
VII Networth (V + VI) |
(b) Working results (Rs. In lakh)
Financial Year
(Y-1) |
Financial Year
(Y-2) |
Financial Year
(Y-3) |
I Total Sales |
II Gross Profit (Before interest & depreciation) |
III Depreciation |
IV Interest |
V Operating Profit |
VI Net Profit (after tax) |
12. Total cost of scheme (as approved by Bank/FI) (Rs. in lakh)
13. Total Sources of funding (as approved by Bank/FI) (Rs. in lakh)
Term Loan
Add share capital
Internal accruals
Capital Subsidy .
14. Time frame for completion of the project
15. Incremental benefits from implementation of the project (indicate in terms of capacity utilization increased sales, exports, reduction in cost of production, increase in productivity, quality upgradation, attainment of pollution standards - give quantitative results.).
We, hereby declare that the information given above and the statement and other papers enclosed are to the best of our knowledge and belief are true and correct.
Name and designation
Seal of the company
SIDBI TOWER, 15, ASHOK MARG, LUCKNOW - 226 001 TEL : (0522) 2288547 / 2288550 |
Kolkata |
Guwahati |
11, Dr. U.N. Brahmachari Street, 8th Floor, Opp. La Martiniere Girls School, Kolkata - 700017.
Tel. : 2280 1382, 2280, 1228, 2240 4183, 22404228, Fax: (033) 22404093
IDBI Building, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Opp. Sentinel Press, G.S. Road, Guwahati - 781 005
Tel. : 252 4020/2457102 Fax: (0361) 2529545
New Delhi |
Chennai |
11th Floor, Videocon Tower, E-1, Tani Jhansi Road, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi - 110 055
Tel. : 23682473 - 77 Fax: (011) 23682461, 23682464
480, Anna Salai, P.B. No. 1312, Nandanam, Chennai - 600 035.
Tel. : 24361893, 24330286 24330964, 24342176 Fax : (044) 24340348
Mumbai |
11th Floor, Nariman Bhawan, 227, Vinay K. Shah Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021.
Tel. : 22872508, 22872475 22817499, 22814798, 22817503 Fax : (022) 22872450, 22872490
Head Office National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Plot No. C-24, "G" Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, P.B. No. 8121, Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051
Agartala Sheri S R Dere Deputy General Manager, Palace Compound (East), Uzirbgari Road, Post Box No. 9, Agartala - 799 001 Tel: 0381 - 224125 Fax: 0381 - 224125 Email: nabagtro@dte.vsnl.net.in
Ahmedabad Sheri Sukhbir Singh, Chief General Manager, NABARD Tower, Opp. Municipal Garden, P.B. No. 8, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad 380 013 Tel: 079 7552257-59 Fax: 079 7551584 Email: nabahm@icenet.net.in
Aizwal G.V. Hebbar Officer-in-Charge, Ramhlun Road(North), Bawngkawan, Aizwal-796 012, Mizoram Tel: 0389-340815 Fax: 0389-340815 Email: nabaiz@dte.vsnl.net.in
Bhubneswar Shri S Abdul Kareem, Chief General Manager, Ankur, 2/1, Nayapalli, Civic Centre, P.B. No. 179, Bhubaneswar-751 012 Tel: 0674-415297 417132, 417218 Fax: 0674-402019 Email:nabbhu@sancharnet.in District Offices
Kolkata Dr. T.R.K. Rao, Chief General Manager, Abhilasha, 2nd Floor, 6, Royd Street, P.B. No. 9083, Kolkata-700016 Tel:033-294672,296123,295264 Fax: 033-2454507 Email:nabcal@cal.vsnl.net.in
Chandigarh Shri A. Ramanathan, Chief General Manager, Plot No. 3, Sector 34-A. P.B. No. 7, Chandigarh-160 022 Tel: 0172-666791, 612899, 616607 Fax: 0172-665863 Email: nbardchd@sanchamet.in
Chennai Shri C.R. Patnaik Chief General Manager, 105-106, Mahatma Gandhi Road, P.B. No. 6074, Chennai 600 034 Tel:044-8273792, 8276986,8222536 Fax: 044-8275732 Email: nabchn@md3.vsnl.net.in