Notifications Issued Under MSMED Act 2006 (DateWise)

Sl. No.
Notification No. & Date
Subject( hindi & English)
1 O.M No. 2/1(5)/2019 - P&G/Policy (pt.IV) dated 06.08.2020

Clarification on existing Entrepreneurs Memorandum (EM) Part-II/ Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM)/ New Udyam Registration-regarding

2 S.O. 2119(E) dated 26/06/2020

Notification on Classifying the enterprises as micro, small and medium enterprises

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3 S.O. 2788(E)

Reconstitution of Advisory Committee

4 S.O. 1702(E) dated 01/06/2020
Revised criteria of classification of MSMEs based on composite criteria of investment in plant and machinery and turnover Supersede by S.o.2119(E) Dated 26.06.2020!

5 IND.105/2014/116 dated 18/03/2019

Notification of Government of Meghalaya, Commerce & Industries Department dated 18.03.2019, regarding re-constitution of MeghaJaya State Micro & Small Enterprises Facilitation Council (MSEFC).

6 S.O. 5670(E) dated 09/11/2018

Gazette notification regarding ammendment in Public Procurement Policy

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7 S.O. 5621(E) dated 02/11/2018

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act. 2006 (27 of 2006) on boarding on the Trade receivables discounting system platform regarding.

8 S.O. 5622(E) dated 02/11/2018

MSEs to submit half yearly return to Ministry of Coporate Affairs on exceeding 45 days from the date of supply of goods or services regarding.

9 S.O. 1274(E) dated 24/04/2017

Issue of Notification regarding amendment in Principal Notification published vide S.O. 1274 (E) dated 24th April, 2017 for establishment of National Board for MSME (NBMSME) for Hon'ble MoS (IC) as Chairman-ex-officio, NBMSME regarding.

The Establishment of NBMSME-2017

10 S.O. 338(E) dated 14/02/2017 Reconstitution of advisory Commitee

11 S.O. 85(E) dated 10/01/2017
Reviesd Udyog Aadhaar Notification 10-01-2017 Supersede by S.o.2119(E) Dated 26.06.2020!

12 S.O. 34(E) dated 16/12/2016 Notification of National Board

13 S.O. 1954 dated 15/9/2016 Notification of National Board

14 No. 27 of 2006 / Dated 02.11.2016 Creation of MSME fund

15 S.O. 998(E) dated 10-04-2015
List of Items Reserved for Small Scale Sector.  

16 S.O. 226 (E) dated 23-01-2015
The Establishment of National Board - 2015 for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises .  

17. S.O 1375 (E) dated 27-05-2013
The Establishment of National Board - 2013 for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises .  

18. s.o. 581 (E) dated 23-03-2012
Notification -Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises Order - 2012.  

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19 (a). GSR 719(E) dated 16-11-2007 & S.O 961(E) dated 13-04-2009
Suggestion to MSEs for printing EM acknowledgement no.On their letterhead/bill/books/vouchers etc.  

     (b). S.O 766 (E) dated 15-5-07 Notification for First National Board for Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises

     (c). S.O 29 (E) dated 7-1-2010 Notification for Second National Board for Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises

20 S.O 2928 (E) dated 9-12-2010 Notification for appointment of Shri Oscar Fernandes, Member of NBMSME  

21 S.O.961(E) dated 13-04-09 Notification :- 17A. Amount interest inadmissible under Section 23 of the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise Development Act,2006

22 GSR 719 (E) dated 16-11-07 Notification :- Section 22 relating to "Requirement to specify unpaid amount with interest in the annual statement of accounts"

23 S.O.765 (E) dated 15.05.07 Division of present 28 state of the country into 6 regions

24 S.O.1909 (E) dated 07.11.06
Authority for filling EM by Medium Service Enterprises. Supersede by S.o.2119(E) Dated 26.06.2020!

25 GSR 793 (E) dated 26.10.09 Form for Information to be Furnished for Assessment of Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment

26 (a). S.O.1722 (E) dated 06.10.06
Items to be excluded for the purpose of calculations of investment in Plant & Machinery of MSMEs. Supersede by S.o.2119(E) Dated 26.06.2020!


S.O.1643 (E) dated 30.09.06
Format of Entrepreneurs Memorandum Supersede by S.o.2119(E) Dated 26.06.2020!

(c). S.O.941 (E) dated 08.06.07 Amendments in the Format of Entrepreneurs Memorandum

Amended format for the Entrepreneurs Memorandum under the MSMED ACT 2006 after inclusion of the amendments vide notification NO. S.O.941(E) dated 07.06.2007

27 S.O.200 (E) dated 16.01.09 Amendments in the Format of Entrepreneurs Memorandum

Amended format for the Entrepreneurs Memorandum under the MSMED ACT 2006 after inclusion of the amendments vide notification NO. S.O.941(E) dated 07.6.2007 and notification NO. S.O.200(E) dated 16.1.2009     In Hindi


GSR 596 (E) dated 26.09.06 Rules of National Board for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises

29. (a) S.O.1636 (E) dated 29.09.06
Authority for filing EM by Manufacturing Medium Enterprises Supersede by S.o.2119(E) Dated 26.06.2020!

(b) S.O.1642 (E) dated 30.09.06
Classification of Enterprises Supersede by S.o.2119(E) Dated 26.06.2020!

30. (a) S.O.199 (E) dated 16.01.09 Amendments in the definition for classification of Manufacturing Enterprises

(b) S.O.1622 (E) dated 27.09.06 Constitution of Advisory Committee

(c) S.O 2315 (E) dated 07-09-09 Reconstitution of Advisory Committee

(d) S.O 837 (E) dated 10-04-12 Reconstitution of Advisory Committee

31 S.O 2800 (E) dated 29-10-14 Reconstitution of Advisory Committee

32. S.O.1154 (E) dated 21.07.06 Principal Notification for MSME Act 2006

33. No. 27 of 2006 / Dated 16.06.06 The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006

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51 Items Dereserved on 20th May,2002

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